Conflict Competence for Leaders

Equipping leaders with the skills to handle conflict

Increasing leaders' confidence and competence in handling conflict situations

What's the objective?

Browse programmes

Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict Competence

This popular one-day course offers a practical grounding in the skills and knowledge required to resolve conflict. The course equips your delegates with an understanding and a set of skills to be able to better address both their own and others’ disagreements.

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Confident Conversations

Conflict Competence

This one-day programme shows your learners how to plan, initiate, and manage a more positive discussion about any sensitive topic: helping you stay in control of both sides of the interaction and ensuring that you can achieve your objective for the conversation.

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Chairing Contentious Meetings

Conflict Competence

This one-day programme aims to increase delegates’ confidence and competence in chairing meetings at which there is likely to be a high level of contention, disruptive conduct, or other behaviour that may have to be addressed.

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Managing the Hard-to-Manage

Conflict Competence

This one-day course is intended for HR professionals, team leaders, and managers who want to gain skills and confidence in managing harder-to-manage team members and reports.

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What our clients say

"This training was very useful. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt how to deal with problematic conversations around issues of difference such as age, gender & ethnicity."
Camilla Capotorto Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
"Most useful course I've been on in a long time! All useful and very relevant in terms of conflict resolution as a manager."
Linda Hay Her Majesty's Government Communications Centre
"All really useful stuff and very applicable to the role I am currently in. The course has increased my confidence and was very enjoyable as well. Thank you!"
Rebecca Stewart Scottish Fire & Rescue
"I found the whole course very useful and the knowledge I have gained can definitely be put into practice in the future. I found the videos and discussions very insightful."
Lauren Cottman Le Creuset UK
"I have gained more knowledge on how to handle difficult situations with guests and the appropriate methods in which I should act to resolve them effectively."
Anthony Stark Showcase Cinema de Lux Leicester
"Absolutely brilliant course and very useful. The role play to practise the skills was invaluable and offered chance for reflection."
Kathy Reeve University Hospitals of Coventry & Warwickshire

Free conflict resolution webinars

Everyone is welcome to attend our webinars. While some of them touch on the psychology behind conflict resolution, we won’t bamboozle you with science!

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