Conflict Coaching

One-to-one support to manage conflict more positively

Unresolved conflict lies at the heart of many challenging issues for organisations.

Interpersonal disputes, fall-outs within teams, and everyday personality clashes can all too quickly become highly costly and distracting.

In Conflict Coaching, individuals do not just learn how to handle their own reactions in conflict situations with others, but also how to better manage conflict occurring within their teams or between colleagues.

Conflict Coaching offers a form of one-to-one intervention that can:

And benefits include:

How does it work?

1. Pre-coaching

Once an individual has been highlighted as being able to benefit from coaching, a pre-coaching meeting will take place between the person, the conflict coach, and the referrer. This is intended to clarify the goals of the intervention.

2. Planning

The coaching sessions will then take place in negotiation with the person. A coaching session will typically last between one and two hours, and will take place fortnightly or monthly.

3. Coaching sessions

Once the sessions have begun, the conflict coach will work with the person to establish the barriers to effectively dealing with conflict, and then to develop an action plan of change that they can work towards.

4. Review

After the allocated number of sessions the coach will then establish what success has been achieved and what ongoing areas will need to be worked on in the future.

5. Follow-up

A follow-up session will be planned after a month and then after three months, both to ensure that changes are continuing to take place, and to allow the person to bring forward any new areas for improvement.

Conflict Coaching FAQs

We understand that you may have some queries about how it all works.

We’ve answered some of the most Frequently Asked Questions below.

Does Conflict Coaching work?

Simply put, yes.

We have been doing this for 23 years now and have helped many individuals to develop their understanding of conflict and to enhance the effectiveness of their interactions with others.

How long does conflict coaching take?

We typically recommend a minimum of 4 Conflict Coaching sessions, although the number of sessions can be negotiated between the coach, referrer, and participant in the pre-coaching meeting.

Each session typically lasts between 1 and 2 hours, and we advise that they take place either fortnightly or monthly.

Can the conflict coaching sessions be done online?

Yes, Conflict Coaching sessions can be delivered online by Zoom or Teams.

Is conflict coaching confidential?

Yes, the conflict coaching sessions are conducted discretely in a one-to-one setting with a highly-trained conflict coach.

Is conflict coaching voluntary?

Yes, people cannot be made to take part in Conflict Coaching.

We engage with both the referrer and the coachee prior to the sessions starting in order to set objectives for the intervention.

What our clients say

"I particularly appreciated the confidential nature of the sessions. I have been able to discuss past incidents while also planning for situations that may pop up in the future."
Recent coachee from a University
"The coach from UK Mediation was excellent. I actually look forward to the sessions and have found them very useful so far."
Recent coachee from an NHS Trust

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Want to find out more or get a quote from us?

We're a friendly bunch at UK Mediation and we're always happy to talk about our Conflict Coaching services.

Please get in touch!

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Want to find out more?

In a recent webinar on the 'Psychology of Conflict, our Founder Dr Mike Talbot discussed Conflict Coaching as a means of resolving interpersonal disputes.

Watch the webinar