If you need to reduce grievances, resolve workplace disputes, and improve employee relations, we offer a comprehensive suite of workplace mediation training programmes.
For resolving neighbourhood and tenant-landlord disputes, we have a range of training options in neighbourhood and tenancy mediation.
To help families stay together and prevent homelessness, we provide expert training in repairing family relationships.
To support universities and other education providers, we deliver training in resolving student-student disputes and complaints.
If you're outside of the UK, please contact our European sister organisation, EU Mediation.
Train your organisation’s delegates as mediators with the Interpersonal Mediation Practitioner’s Certificate (IMPC), the market-leading 40-hour professional mediation training course.
Everyone is welcome to attend our webinars. While some of them touch on the psychology behind interpersonal conflict and mediation, we won’t bamboozle you with science!
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